“Same-Day” Dental Implants” Explained

added on: November 19, 2018

At our Shelby Township dental office, our entire team is committed to help patients be fully informed consumers. This is one reason our patients know they can trust us. We strive to carefully explain each situation that requires treatment. We then help the patient to understand the advantages as well as any challenges of various treatment options that we see are best for their needs.

Knowledge is power. We believe when an individual has a clear view of why their need exists, the benefits of treatment options, the steps involved for each procedure, costs, and time involved, the patient is better able to decide how he or she wishes to go forward.

When it comes to replacing teeth, there are a number of exceptional tooth replacement options available through our care – with all stages of treatment performed here. We offer a comprehensive environment to tend to every dental need and have earned a reputation for a gentle touch. For added comfort and relaxation, some patients also opt for oral or I.V. Sedation (twilight sleep).

When dental implants are recommended, there are a wide variety of options. There are many types of implant designs and sizes, each structured to accommodate specific needs. For example, the All-On-4 implant system is designed for placement in individuals who have lost bone mass that can make other implant types risky.

An adult who has been missing teeth for an extended period of time often has experienced a decline in jaw bone mass. This is due to lack of stimulation that natural tooth roots once provided to the bone. Over time, this lack of stimulation causes the bone to shrink. This is why dentures or partials eventually start to slip or rub when chewing; the foundation that supports them is simply flattening out due to bone shrinkage.

Fortunately, dental implants can halt the process of bone loss. They recreate stimulation to the jaw bone and serve as replacement tooth roots. This provides attached teeth with a dependable foundation, giving back teeth that can bite and chew.

Many people who desire dental implants opt for “same-day” dental implants. In this process, we place the implanted portions into the jaw bone and attach replacement teeth the same day. For patients who are having a full arch of teeth replaced (complete uppers or lowers), we are often able to attach these teeth once the placement process is completed.

To be clear, however, “same day” teeth are not your FINAL teeth. Although you’ll be able to leave our office with teeth in place, these are not meant to be the teeth you’ll enjoy for many years of dental implant satisfaction. These temporary teeth are designed to give you a natural appearance and ability to eat (with some limitations) until the implanted portions are more stable.

Here’s why.

When a dental implant is placed in the upper or lower jaw bone, it must be anchored by the bone to serve as a sturdy support for teeth. This occurs in a process known as osseo-integration. Through this, the bone grows around the implant to secure it in place. This means the implant actually becomes a part of your bone structure and can provide dependable support for attached teeth.

The process of osseo-integration can take 3-6 months, depending on the implant type. When your implants are first placed, however, you certainly want to be able to eat and smile during this process. This is why we provide ‘temporaries.’ Although we caution patients to avoid challenging foods, you should be able to function for these months comfortably and without worry.

For example, eating a crunchy stick of celery or chewing a thick bite of pork chop is not advised during this time. However, enjoying small bites of chicken or a spinach salad shouldn’t be a problem. When patients in the “healing” process of osseo-integration understand what can be too rigorous to eat, they are able to make wise choices so they can avoid dislodging a temporary crown, bridge or arch.

After the implants are fully integrated with your bone, your final restorations can be attached. Most are made of porcelain, which has the most natural look and feel available in dental materials. With your final teeth in place, you should be able to resume eating foods of choice, including that thick pork chop!

And because dental implants are designed to last a lifetime, they are an excellent investment.

We are proud of the trusting, close relationships we have with our patients. They know their care here is to the highest standards with their comfort a priority at every visit. 

Our patients also know treatment recommended is based on what each individual needs in order to enjoy good, long-term oral health. Our pledge to never over-treat a patient — because we respect all of our patients. That’s how we care for our patient family and always have.

If this is the kind of dental environment you desire, call 586-739-2155 or tap here to request a no-charge private session. During this time, I’ll learn your needs, discuss your options, and answer your questions so you can decide what is the best way to proceed. This will only take about 30 minutes of your time and takes place in a private room away from the clinical side of our dental office.

And, if dental implants are of interest to you (or any type of tooth replacement option), we are offering free imaging for a private implant session that’s completed prior to December 19, 2018. Be sure to mention this special, limited-time offer when you call to schedule. (Call soon!!! These times become sparse as the year ends.)




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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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