If it seems you are surrounded by more older adults these days, you are! In 1900, only 4% of the population were age 65 and older. In 1990, this had jumped to 12.6%. By 2030, the projected numbers of Americans aged 65 and older is expected to be nearly 22% of the population.
Fortunately, older adults are now going to the dentist more. In 1983, the average number of dental visits per older adult was 1.5, the lowest for any reported age group. However, the National Center for Health Statistics reported that between 1983 – 89, there was a 30% increase by those aged 65 and older who were seeing the dentist on a regular basis.
This likely has much to do with the drop in total edentulism (having no natural teeth) for aging adults. According to the National Institute for Dental Research, there was a decrease of elderly adults who are missing all their natural teeth from 60% in 1957 to about 41% in 1986.
I recently read an article that shared predicted technologies and futuristic developments for ensuring the oral health of our population. One option stands out as fulfilling its task NOW at an exceptional level. Dental Implants continues to achieve their designed goals of recreating the presence of tooth roots and restoring one’s ability to bite, chew, eat, laugh, and speak confidently and comfortably.
The University of Kentucky and Sanders Brown Research Center on Aging included this statement in their report, Prevention: The Key to Retention A Look at Clinical Geriatric Dental Practice Now and in the 21st Century: “Implant technology has advanced to the point now that single tooth implants should be considered the first treatment option in many situations.”
Dental Implants do not compromise the health of adjacent teeth. As a matter of fact, their ability to preserve a healthy jaw bone and support proper alignment of neighboring teeth enhances the life of surrounding natural teeth.
Older adults have a similar success rate with implants compared with younger people. As long as your gums are healthy, you’re never too old to enjoy the benefits of Dental Implants!
Our office is equipped to provide all stages of implant dentistry, safely and comfortably, to give you teeth that look and feel just like your own. For more information, call toll free 1-855-9-Smiles.
Our office is open and accepting new patients! Please send us an email using the form below or please call us at 586-739-2155.