As a dentist, I’ve been trained to do everything possible to help people keep their natural teeth. In some situations, however, a natural tooth cannot be saved. Or, an individual may already be missing two or more teeth in one area. For many years, their only choices for replacing teeth would have been a partial or crown-&-bridge combination.
Fortunately, Dental Implants have been developed and perfected as “the next best thing to your natural teeth.” I’ve completed extensive training in the diagnosis and placement of Dental Implants and am pleased that they are becoming the adult tooth replacement method of choice.
Although Dental Implants cost more upfront, they are a far better investment for several reasons. Dental Implants do not require the support of existing, natural teeth. Additionally, they recreate the presence of tooth roots in the jaw bone. This helps prevent bone loss that occurs when natural teeth are missing.
In some cases, the added pressure of anchoring a bridge or partial can fracture a crowned supporting tooth. When this occurs, a new crown is needed or removal of yet another natural tooth. And, this means more expense and time in treatment.
Dental Implants are designed to last a lifetime. They help to preserve jaw bone mass and do not require adjacent teeth for support. They also restore biting and chewing stability.
I am very proud of the many patients we have who opted for this “one and done” version of tooth replacement. Smile your best, for a lifetime! Call toll free 1-866-9-Smiles for a free consultation.
Our office is open and accepting new patients! Please send us an email using the form below or please call us at 586-739-2155.