When people want to improve their appearance, plastic surgery is often considered. While the recession created a dip in the number of adults having elective surgery, that number is improving, especially when it comes to men. Between 2009 and 2010, the increase in men having surgical procedures jumped drastically, including… Read More…
The majority of New Year’s resolutions pertain to getting fit and improving one’s health. While many people are eating more salads and spending more time at the gym, there are significant ways to improve your overall health, all orally related. • Want to lower your risk for major health problems?… Read More…
Having a gap between front teeth (known as a Diastema) can be an uncomfortable feature for many people. Fortunately, this can often be repaired in just one or two appointments. Depending on the width of the gap, bonding may be the easiest method to close the space. In this process,… Read More…
Straight teeth not only create a more appealing smile, they are an advantage to your oral health. Straight teeth are easier to keep clean and provide proper bite alignment. When teeth are properly aligned, this helps you avoid TMJ disorder, which can result in headaches, jaw joint pain, chipped and… Read More…