Contrary to what many older adults think, losing natural teeth is not a normal part of the aging process. Periodontal (gum) disease is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss and is easily preventable with simple measures applied on a daily basis. To determine those most at risk for… Read More…
I’d like to share a story about an elderly lady who recently came to us because of dizziness, which had prevented her from driving. I’m happy to report that after two weeks of wearing a neuro-muscular orthotic (a small oral appliance we custom-designed for her), she’s back to driving. She… Read More…
When it comes to teeth, some American adults assume that missing one, two or a few won’t upset the apple cart. But it does. Even though your missing teeth may not be visible in a smile, the gap disrupts the natural balance necessary for proper bite alignment. For example, if… Read More…
If the tops of your teeth are worn or you’ve noticed they are shorter than they used to be, you’re likely grinding your teeth at night. Night-time clenching and grinding are common symptoms of bite misalignment. The temporo-mandibular jaw joint is in front of your ears on each side of… Read More…