For those who wish to replace missing teeth, there are several options to consider. However, the ideal and lasting one is Dental Implants. In our Shelby Twp dental office, we’ve taken certain measures to provide all stages of dental implant placement with advanced skills and technology. The advantages of having… Read More…
A friend recently shared her “maddening” experience during a lengthy flight. Being masked for the long period wasn’t the problem. It was the passenger behind her. “He dropped off to sleep soon after take-off and snored so loudly my headphones were no match for him.” Although the sound of snoring… Read More…
If you’re a regular reader of my write-ups, you’ve likely become familiar with my unique understanding of the issues surrounding TMJ disorders. As a neuromuscular dentist, I am able to intricately assess the individual structures of patients who display common symptoms associated with TMJ dysfunction. To refresh you on temporomandibular… Read More…
As COVID numbers finally decline as more people get fully vaccinated, we’re starting to see more smiling faces out in public. While we encourage those not yet vaccinated or who have immune-compromised health issues to continue advised precautions, it’s nice to finally see more smiles. This is a good time to… Read More…
As the 19th year the dental office of Dr. Ban Barbat has awarded the Ban R. Barbat, DDS-PC Scholarship, three 2021 recipients have been chosen. These scholarships are awarded annually to a local high school graduate pursuing a career in the medical or dental field. Dr. Barbat is pleased to… Read More…
Which came first: the chicken or the egg? This question reminds me of bruxism (bruk-siz-um), a condition that causes grinding and clenching of teeth. Although most people who brux do so during sleep (sleep bruxism), a growing number of American adults are experiencing the problem during waking hours. People who… Read More…
It’s becoming a distant memory of yesteryear for those who can recall the “bunny ears” that sat on the tops of televisions. Used to pick up broadcast signals, many baby boomers recall childhood viewing required adjusting the extended rods of antenna or adding aluminum foil for a clear (but often… Read More…
For people who are familiar with the term “TMJ,” most think of it as a problematic condition of the temporomandibular joints. These joints, located on each side of your head just in front of the ears, get quite the workout all day, every day. They are what connect your lower… Read More…
As adults age, tooth loss is fairly common and becomes mores with age. Although the risk for tooth loss increases as we age, it is a common occurrence in nearly all age ranges. According to the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), 7 percent of adults in the U.S…. Read More…
Although we would hope our perception of others is based on inner qualities – things like kindness, ethics, honesty – it’s hard to deny that physical appearance is a factor in our initial impressions of others. If you feel drawn to attractive people more than the “average” ones, your feelings… Read More…