As a dentist who has been in dental practice in Shelby Township for over twenty years, I’ve been proud to witness the transformations that occur when a cosmetic dentistry patient sees their new smile for the first time. I’ve seen tears of joy, heard “oohhh’s and ‘aahhh’s of awe, and… Read More…
At our Shelby Township dental office, our entire team is committed to help patients be fully informed consumers. This is one reason our patients know they can trust us. We strive to carefully explain each situation that requires treatment. We then help the patient to understand the advantages as well… Read More…
Many years ago, I found I’d developed a reputation for a gentle touch and what many patients describe as “painless injections.” We then began offering oral sedation to help many patients get past their anxiety or “jitters” in the dental chair. We also began offering I.V. sedation (also known as… Read More…
Ever said, “I’d rather have a root canal than (fill in the blank with something dreaded).”? Perhaps root canals of yesteryear were deserving of this reputation. However, modern root canals are performed in less time than procedures of the past and with optimal comfort. Root canals are important since they… Read More…
I remember a high school teacher who was known for his breath odor. Away from him, he was referred to as “Mr. Fog” because students joked that you could actually see his bad breath whenever he opened his mouth. As an adult, I realize that’s not a kind label. As… Read More…
Fear is not a bad thing. It’s our brain signaling a warning to us. For example, when we see a snake, it causes us to react so we can protect ourselves. When we are on a roller coaster, fear causes us to grip tightly to the safety bar. Personally, I… Read More…
Imagine calling a florist to order an arrangement for a friend. After selecting the type of arrangement, you’d probably be frustrated to learn that you had to call another company to order the vase, and then make another call to arrange for delivery. When we find someone we trust, especially… Read More…
At some time, all of us have driven by an auto accident on the side of the road. A few may have been serious car or truck accidents where we suspected some of the people involved may have been injured. Many of these, however, are bump ups that may have… Read More…
When I go for a new pair of shoes, it makes perfect sense to me that the length and width of my foot requires a size that is appropriate for me as an individual. While there are other women in the shoe department who may be of similar age, height,… Read More…
Whenever possible, we try to help patients save a natural tooth. This is why we recommend crowns or inlays (or onlays), which help protect a tooth’s structure. However, there are times when removing a tooth is necessary. For example, if a tooth breaks below the gum line (often due to… Read More…