added on: July 23, 2015

The safety of eCigarettes has been debated  since they became available in 2004. The rapid popularity of ‘vaping’ among smokers and non-smokers (including adolescents), has been a growing health concern. So much so that the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research is preparing for a study on the biological… Read More…

added on: July 20, 2015

Biology 101 taught us that accumulated bacteria could lead to an infection. Plus, it’s pretty obvious when it occurs. We all see a cut or skinned area become red with slight swelling as the body recruits white blood cells to the rescue. These cells are our body’s defense mechanism to… Read More…

added on: July 15, 2015

For those who have rheumatoid arthritis (RA), managing a thorough oral hygiene routine at home can be challenging. But, for RA patients, it’s especially important. Research has found that RA sufferers are more likely to have periodontal (gum) disease, which is the nation’s leading cause of adult tooth loss. Symptoms… Read More…

added on: July 6, 2015

Sadly, a large percentage of American adults have a level of dental fear that prevents them from having a healthy smile as well as a smile they love. People who feel good about their smile tend to smile more often. This boosts one’s mood, projects a more positive, upbeat person… Read More…

added on: June 29, 2015

When a patient comes in because of a tooth ache, it’s most likely due to a cavity. However, in a number of cases, we find that other reasons are creating an ache that is not always INSIDE the tooth. It’s not unusual for the first sign of gingivitis to be… Read More…

added on: May 18, 2015

Diabetics face a number of challenges every day, along with greater health risks. People with diabetes are aware that the disease can damage the kidneys, eyes, heart and nerves. Yet, many do not know they have a  higher risk for periodontal (gum) disease. Gum disease is an infection that attacks… Read More…

added on: April 29, 2015

Dental Implants are nothing new, having first ‘formally’ emerged in the 1950’s. Over the past few decades, they have been perfected to provide a dependable tooth replacement system. There are now many types of Dental Implants, designed to accommodate various needs and preferences. While Dental Implants are designed to last… Read More…

added on: April 21, 2015

People often first come to know us by hearing of our advanced technology and offering advanced treatments such as dental implants, cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. However, the foundation of our practice is general dentistry, or what some refer to as ‘family dentistry.’ The way most think about general dentistry… Read More…

added on: April 15, 2015

Here’s a question for you: Globally, what is one of the most common diseases? You may be surprised to know that tooth decay is the answer. When researchers from the University College London and the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine studied public health records from around the world,… Read More…

added on: April 13, 2015

There are a number of studies that suggest that oral health and gum disease are related to serious conditions like heart disease. Although the precise link between periodontal (gum) disease and heart disease hasn’t been pinpointed, there is strong evidence that the two have a connection. According to the American… Read More…

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Dr. Ban R. Barbat

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