We hope you are safe and healthy.
Our dental office awaits directions from the Governor for a June reopening. Updates will be posted to this site.
Please rest assured that reopening will include safety precautions for patients and staff in addition to the exceptional measures always taken. We are implementing added disinfecting of equipment and furnishings with protective gear worn by staff.
For our patients, added precautions will include:
- Upon arrival to your appointment, call our office (586-739-2155, press 1) to alert us. Please remain in your vehicle. A team member will come out to get you.
- Only the patient will be allowed to enter unless accompanying a child or patient needing assistance.
- Temperatures of patients will be taken prior to being seen.
- If a patient has any of the following symptoms the day of or prior to their appointment, they will be asked to reappoint: fever, cough, cold, fatigue or flu-like aches.
We will keep you notified of changes and look forward to caring for our family of patients! We have missed you!