Dental Implants are an excellent investment! They are safe, have a high success rate and are designed to last a lifetime. Add to that their ability to restore a stable bite and natural chewing strength so you can eat a healthy, delicious selection of foods.
Not all insurances cover dental implants, deeming them as ‘elective.’ Since dentures and partials are cheaper for insurance companies to cover, that option is their choice for you. However, what is in your long-term best interests for active, healthy living is YOUR choice!
Now, we’ve made Dental Implants even more affordable. Through October 2014, we are offering a Free Consultation, Free Digital Radiographs (x-rays), Free Oral Sedation and $100 Gift Certificate towards Dental Implant treatment! That’s a value of $582!!!
Hurry and take advantage of this unique savings opportunity. Call toll free 1-866-9-Smiles to schedule your free consultation to begin!